Get Closer to God for $14.95
This is no joke! Do you want to give your prayers a shot of adrenalin....kinda warp speed your message to the "Source"? Do you want "GOD'S POWER"....St Paul McManus, guarantees you'll get it...for just $14.95 you can rub these little beads or use them as a bracelet...They allow you to tap into the Almighty's POWER! get a cute little genuine olive tree pendant that will give that prayer an extra special boost! These two items together can link you up to the man upstairs faster than you can change the channel on "Dish Network"! Just $ much, are you willing to spend to have your prayers answered? How much do you really really want that new promotion....that new computer? What about that hottie you saw at the exercise salon? Is it worth forking out $14.95...and check this out it's a great deal, the original price is $19.95 so you're getting one "h..heavenov a deal!" So just whip that visa on out.... Paul McManus, Technical Director of this revolutionary new Power source says.."Get Closer to God. Tap into His Power"! St Paul claims on his website the following: "Limited Quantities.The September Shipment sold out in 4 days! The October shipment is expected to sell out by this Saturday, October 22 - ACT NOW! Note: If you don't think the "Season of the Devil" is here....behold, I give you one of his associates. Yes, and I'll bet you Pat Robertson has already bought this or bartered his Spiritual Milkshake for it! How bout it Reverend Falwell, can I get an Amen"?Editorial by: Wylde Orchid |
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