It's really amazing that people can be so ignorant to what is going on around them and never question what is before there eyes! Where did the word "Easter" originate, as I have searched biblical texts and dont seem to be able to locate anything remotely similar to that word!!!
This is not an attempt to denigrate God in anyway but rather an open warning to this select group of "worshippers" that call themselves "Christians" who feel that is alright to erect billboard signs on church premises, advertising "Easter Egg Hunts"!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this is mine. When it comes to God there can be no fence riding....that is so "Pauline"! Paul was a famous fence-rider, trying to appeal to his select group of Pseudo Jews who wanted to "re-invent" worshipping the almighty, and at the same time keeping the Romans happy. He was a Politician...yet, was able to create a "RELIGIOUS" group called "CHRISTIANS" with a dogma that is so far from the truth that it ain't funny!
The worship of God in our country is Jewish-based, deriving from the Old Testament customs and it's history. The Old Testament is a Types & Shadow of the Messiah, which we have called "Jesus Christ". He was before "PAUL", not during nor after. Paul was an obsessive compulsive deviant, who was so fanatical at one point that he had to go in exile because nobody wanted to be around him.
So placing all of the Pagan Customs in front of Religious Holidays is pretty convincing to me that the early church fathers were really working hard at trying to conceal something.
So I did some research as follows:
Eostre is only mentioned once in Old English literature, and that was by the Christian scholar the Venerable Bede (679-735). In his work De Temporum Ratione, Bede says that April was called Eostremonath, due to the fact that the Heathen Anglo-Saxons worshipped and held ceremonies during that month in honour of Eostre. The name Eostre is said to be related to the word east, which many believe makes her a dawn goddess, maybe due to the fact that the sun rises in the east. But a more convincing argument is that Eostre is a spring/summer goddess, who's veneration during April, Eostremonath, may have included processions similar to that of the Nerthus cult, but whether there is any connection between Eostre and Nerthus isn't known. Eostre represents the re-birth of life and nature after the harsh weather of the winter months. The egg, which may be a symbol of Eostre, is believed to represent that very re-birth. The Anglo-Saxon Heathen calendar seems to give evidence to support this. The Heathen year was split into two seasons, summer and winter, spring and autumn were basically just aspects of the other two. Winter started in October and lasted for six months, the first month after the six 'winter months' was April or Eostremonath, which is the start of the coming six summer months. So as the first month of summer is the month of Eostre, it seems reasonable to believe that she represents that re-birth of summer. Another symbol that may have been sacred to Eostre is the hare, which eventually became the Easter bunny of today. In the cult of Eostre, the hare may have been a symbol of fertility. Eaten at Easter are Hot-Cross-Buns, which also have their origins in Heathen lore, originally these buns were pagan offerings. The cross upon the buns is said to either represent the four quarters of the moon or the horns of a bull, if the latter is right this may suggest that bull/oxen sacrifice was practiced in honour of Eostre, something, which we know was common amongst Anglo-Saxon Heathens. Another explanation for the cross could be that it represents the sun wheel, which was a sacred symbol to all Germanic peoples. One tradition concerning Hot-Cross-Buns is that they were hung from rafters to scare away any evil that lurked within the house, probably due to the fact that the buns came to represent good luck. Some scholars have commented upon the fact that no goddess called Eostre, or something similar, was ever known in Norse mythology. And this lack of an Eostre figure amongst the Norse at times sways people into believing that Eostre never existed, and that the Venerable Bede created the goddess as an explanation for the month name. But it would seem very odd for an extremely devout Christian, who at very best vaguely relates Heathen Anglo-Saxon practices, and a man who condemned Heathenism thoroughly, to have created the name of a pre-Christian goddess for his own use. And also the fact that Eostre didn't exist in Norse mythology does not mean that she never existed amongst other Germanic peoples. Amongst the Anglo-Saxons and the continental Saxons we have written historical proof of the god Seaxneat. Seaxneat was the ancestor god of the Saxons in England and a god who was to be renounced by the continental Saxons during their conversion to Christianity. There is no known evidence to show that a god called Seaxneat ever existed in Scandinavia, but we know from the evidence that he existed amongst the Saxons. And this is just one example showing the existence of a god or goddess amongst certain Germanic peoples that may not have been known by others. So there is very strong reason to believe that to our ancestors Eostre was very real and well loved in celebration. The Christian church eventually took over the festival of Eostre, the incorporating of Heathen customs into early Christianity in England was carried out on the orders of Pope Gregory. As the festival of Eostre was about celebrating life and it's re-birth, the Christians found it easy and convenient to swap Eostre for their own symbol of re-birth, the resurrected Christ, whilst retaining the name Eostre or 'Easter'. |
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